Changes in Polish HR according to HR professionals [Market Research]
What do HR professionals themselves say about the changes in Polish HR? What are the priorities, challenges and position of HR in organizations? What is the level of digitalization of this area and to what extent have HR-Tech solutions been implemented in companies? Find the…
Jak wygląda polski HR okiem samych HR-owców? Pobierz darmowy raport o kondycji i wyzwaniach HR w Polsce.
Zapoznaj się z wynikami drugiej edycji dużego badania stanu HR w Polsce, tym razem pod tytułem „Zmiany w polskim HR okiem HR-owców”. W Raporcie znajdziesz: 💡 Insighty i wnioski na temat aktualnego stanu polskiego HR zaczerpnięte od samych HR-owców 💡 Najnowsze informacje dotyczące stopnia digitalizacji…
Productivity and flexibility – two words that will define 2023+
In 2023 the projected gross volume of the US gig economy is expected to reach $455b. This will represent an increase of 53% compared to 2020, according to Statista Research Department’s report dated January 2021[1]. Why should we create a valuable experience for employees who…
2019 HCM TRENDS REPORT: HR’S opportunities to impact work
George LaRocque ( together with the HR Federation to brings you 2019 HCM trends report spanning all categories of work, HR, and technology. Good news! HR and HR technology are poised to have an incredible impact on work. The insights here are based on research…
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